Connecting Lauriston Families with Old Lauristonians who offer tutoring and mentoring.

The school is building a directory that lists recent Lauriston graduates who offer tutoring or mentoring services, predominantly to current students. As a recent graduate, we invite you to apply to be added to this directory.
Please click here or scan the QR Code (left) and complete the form to be added to the TUTORconnect Directory.
All tutors are required to obtain a Working with Children Check - select "Volunteer" to receive a WWCC at no cost. All tutors are also advised to obtain First Aid training and ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for first aid (community) 2023.
When parents are seeking the services of a tutor, they often reach out to Lauriston to connect them with new graduates. The School emails these opportunities to the past students listed in the tutor directory.
The process:
1. The family scans the QR Code (right) and applies to connect with a tutor or mentor;
2. The school emails all Old Lauristonians listed in the directory with the request.
3. Any past students interested in the opportunity, reply to the email with their expression of interest.
4. The school forwards the past student's response to the family to assess.
5. The family contacts the past student to discuss.
All details and terms of services are negotiated between the past student and the family. The school provides this 'connection' service only, .
All tutors are required to obtain a Working with Children Check - select "Volunteer" to receive a WWCC at no cost. All tutors are also advised to obtain First Aid training and ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for first aid (community) 2023.
If you are interested in connecting with an Old Lauristonian who offers tutoring or mentoring services, please click here or scan the QR Code (right) and complete the form.